Insecto Karel

by Karelbug


10.99 usd

The Karel Insect app will help you enhance your problem solving skills using a block programming language and a friendly graphical environment, with a simple and enjoyable tutorial, and a set of interesting problems.It is excellent for developing the following skills:• Analysis and design of a problem.• Abstraction of Concepts.• Algorithmic thinking.• Identify the different elements and / or stages of a process.• Structure your programs in a readable, clear and simple way.This app is focused on over 5 years offering:- Primary school children.- It is excellent and entertaining due to its friendly graphic environment.- To young people.- It is interesting and consists of a set of challenging problems.- To Adults.- Know and understand how programs are built.Karel Insect Features:- The programming is done with a language of blocks that drag and drop.- You have the option to view the code in C / Java language and copy it to the clipboard.- The program can be run step by step or continuously with 6 different speeds.- Breakpoints can be set.- The call stack is displayed.- Contains tutorials to learn how to program. It covers several of the most important programming topics (loops, conditionals, logical operators, functions, recursion).- Contains 10 Olympiad-style problems explained in detail.- Includes the explanation of a method to solve problems that is used in the trainings of the Computer Olympiad in Mexico City and the State of Mexico.- The world of Karel is specially adapted for mobile devices. You can build a complete world in just seconds.